If Any of The Following Apply To You…Don't Hire Us

If You Are “Happy With Your Vendor But Just Price Shopping”

We are priced very competitively and aggressively for the value our clients have told us we bring to their apparel programs. While we are likely near your current vendor in terms of price, we strive to work with organizations that share aligned values and not just the lowest price. Unfortunately, we’ve found that many “price shoppers” end up not making suitable long-term partners for either party. 

Never Satisfied… Have A History of Frequently Bouncing Around From Vendor To Vendor
We strive to serve clients long-term. In-fact, the longer we work together, the better we can build a system that works for the unique needs of your organization. We don’t lock clients into contracts. By contrast, our hope is that our work will speak for itself and you will return for years because of the quality of our work. We hope you share a similar viewpoint when partnering with other vendors.
Don’t Want To Improve Your Current Custom Apparel Orders
We hope your goal is to take your apparel to the next level. Our process involves understanding your expectations and current practices for your apparel, then incorporating strategies+tactics to improve each area which can often include items such as design help, turnaround, selling tools, better communication, quality etc.
Want To Start A Clothing Line
We love your tenacity and the fact that you are thinking outside the norm. A clothing line is actually where we started some 12+ yrs ago, but today we’re not a good fit to serve you. We certainly hope you succeed with that venture…but unfortunately, we see clothing lines as an extremely risky venture and too risky of a business for us to invest our limited bandwidth into.

However…If You’re In Alignment With The Following,You’ve Come To The Perfect Place For All Your Custom Apparel Needs!

Embraces + Positive Change and Innovation //

For instance, you appreciate and Will actually Use the provided Tools To Make The Management and Distribution of Your Custom Apparel More Streamlined and Easier

Values Partnership

You’re eager to work closely with us to achieve shared goals. We can’t wait to learn about the ins and outs of your organization and you will welcome specialized and expert guidance backed by 10+ years of data, experience and serving in over 100 markets and counting.

You Need An Experienced Pro, Not A Garage Printer, Cricut Mom, Buddy Next Door Etc.

You value and understand the true importance of professionally printed, designed, and merchandised custom apparel and can see that when done right, how it can help build community among existing people in an organization as well as attract new clients, customers, and/or members. Maybe you have a buddy printing in your garage, they likely will not have the resources to deliver the fully-packaged value that we strive to deliver to you.

You want to get the most bang for your buck, you prefer value over lowest price possible

We’re firm believers in the age old adage, you get what you pay for. For instance, A 24 hour self-service, mega gym that charges $10 a month and leaves you to figure out the programming, nutrition, and wellness habits all by yourself is statistically not always going to deliver the same positive fitness results as say a $200 a month group fitness gym that includes an expert, personable small group coach who demands you show up. Plus a collaborative group of peers to help hold you accountable for all the work involved in leading a healthy lifestyle. UNITEE sides with the second example, and if going high value is your mindset as opposed to cookie-cutter cheap,

Respects Others Time

Realizes that time is the most valuable resource on this planet, and you at least try to respect others’ time whether it’s a paid transaction or not.

Believe That Loyalty Is Built Through Resolution.

There are 600 variable involved in screen printing. Like your cell phone, digital printing equipment technology moves faster than anyone can keep up. Our point is, even if we work together long enough, when we’re talking custom orders at smaller quantities.. something will eventually go wrong, it is mathematically inevitable. However, we’re the first to make it right on your behalf, no questions. You can appreciate this and know that we’re in it for your success for the long-haul because our success is directly tied to your organization growing and needing apparel on an ongoing basis.

Pushes For A Learn-First Culture

Good or bad, whatever happened to you today, what can you learn from that? Do you share a similar mindset?


You believe work is a distant second to anything in your personal, family lives. We will certainly understand if a family situation comes up for you and it halts an order. You will understand the same for us as well.